Web Design Services

We ensure that your website works hard for you!

Whether you're just starting up or are in business for longer, you need to have a mighty online presence to support your business. This is why we work hard to stay up to date with the latest web trends, from colour to layout and technology. We'll ensure that your website is bang up to date with the latest design.

We work with you every step of the way so that we can understand what you need from your website and pay great attention to detail. Our websites are designed in wordpress so that they can grow along with your business, realising that nothing is static but always evolving.

We provide a variety of web design services, from the bare bones basic sites all the way through to e-commerce sites and you can see some of our packages below. Extra pages are affordably priced at €95 each and, if you require anything different to these packages, please shoot me an email or call Jackie at 0872426541 to have a chat about your requirements and how we can work together.

DIY Do It Yourself
per 4 page website

Domain name registration & web hosting (for 1 year)

Wordpress CMS and professional template installed & configured

Your Company's logo and colour schemes inserted

Create, input and modify your content by yourself

All in One Package
per 4 page website

Full Copper Package PLUS:

Graphics inserted

Up to 4 pages fully designed and input

ECommerce - Online Shop
per 6 page website with up to 5 products added

Full Gold Package PLUS:

Shopping cart with 3 products added

Add €45 per product thereafter

Our Popular Bells & Whistles Package

Our Bells & Whistles package offers excellent value for money. For only €1250 , we will design and host your website for you and even give you a .com or .ie domain name. In fact, all you’ll have to do, is to tell us what information you’d like on your site and we’ll look after the rest. (If you’re looking for something else, email or phone us and we can have a chat.)

This package is the best value for money that you will find anywhere! Here’s what you’ll get:

Web Design

We’ll design a wordpress website for you of up to 6 pages. (Additional pages cost only €95 each.) Our sites are all designed in WordPress which makes it easy to add more information or make changes as your needs change.  A 6 page website is more than enough to showcase your business on the web.

This offer excludes shopping carts and scripting.  Please contact me for a quote if you’d like a shopping cart.

Domain Name

We will supply you with a .com or .ie domain name for a year. A domain name is needed for you to have a website and it looks like this – www.yourname.com.

Web Hosting

Every website needs to be hosted on a server and this is also included for a year in your package. We host on very reliable servers and we’ll do all the work for you here. You can even have your own email addresses if you like, for example info@yourname.com. The exact specifics of the hosting is detailed further below.

Basic SEO for Google Ranking

We will do the background work and add the plugins needed to make sure that your site has the best chance of being noticed by Google. Please note that it does take time for search engines to rank your website no matter what you do and  there is no guarantee that your website will rank in page one, however we have found that local sites rank very well using our techniques.

Monthly WordPress Maintenance Package

We provide you with our monthly wordpress maintenance package for a year which includes updates, security checks and backups once a month. After the year, you will be offered a discounted rate of €85.00pa if you'd like to continue with the maintenance package.

Annual Costs

The only other cost that you will have on an annual basis is to renew your web hosting and domain name. The web hosting is a bargain and is currently  €60.00 pa and the cost of renewing your domain is €20 for .com names and €25 for .ie names. As already mentioned, there's also the option of continuing with the worpdress maintenance package at a discounted rate.

WordPress Maintenance Services

Your Website Is Critical To Your Business

You have a website that is crucial to your business. It generates leads, customers and revenue (or at least it should). It's a channel through which customers, suppliers, potential new staff and partners will find you and engage with you. It is fundamental to the success of your business and you want peace of mind that it will be up and available for your audience 24/7 without interruption.

All Software Is Vulnerable

Software needs updating. All software. Including the software that powers your wordpress website. More and more websites are getting hacked and attacked, including the big players like Twitter and Facebook as well as millions of small businesses everyday. It's the nature of the world we live in and unfortunately websites are an easy target.

Do It Yourself?

Keeping your wordpress website up to date, backed up and secure can be time consuming and very tedious. It takes you away from what you should be doing and the technology continues to evolve, making it hard to keep abreast of all the trends and developments.

Our Help

We know wordpress inside out and are well versed with the security implications. We've been using it for over a decade and all of our websites (including this one) are built on wordpress. We can keep your wordpress website up and running and open for business with one of our WordPress Maintenance Plans.

What Do We Offer?

We'll do all the nitty gritty things (updates, security, backups) you don't want to as that is what we do best. Our wordpress maintenance plans below offer a variety of services, from a once off check up to a regular maintenance checkup. Working with us means your website will continue to drive attention and customers into your business at a fraction of the time and cost it would take to do it yourself.

We're interested in working with clients who understand the value their website adds to their business. If you'd like to avail of our wordpress maintenance service, just contact Jackie to have a chat about it.

Once Off Maintenance Package
per wordpress website (once off)

Wordpress update

Plugins update

Wordpress security check and tweaks

Full backup of website to remote server

Gold Plus Tasks
per month

Full Gold Package PLUS:

3 small tasks on your website throughout the month eg: adding blog posts, changing text or pictures on pages, etc

WordPress Training

Do you have a wordpress site but don't know how to make changes to it or would you like to design your own wordpress site?

We provide wordpress training including wordpress installation, wordpress setup, adding  plugins, widgets, video, images, themes, page layout, galleries, shopping carts, links, etc. The cost for wordpress training is €40 per hour.

Web Hosting

We offer 2gb disk space and 20 gb monthly transfer. This is more than enough space to host most websites.

Web Hosting Features…
  • Flexible, Easy to Use Control Panel
  • Unlimited Sub Domains, FTP Accounts, and Email Accounts
  • 98% Uptime Guarantee
Free With Each Web Hosting Plan…
  • Free SiteBuilder and SiteStudio Website Building Tools
  • 4,500 Free Website Templates
  • 52 Free scripts can be instantly installed on your account with a few clicks
Control Panel Features…
  • Latest cPanel Control Panel
  • Website Statistics: AWStats, Webalizer, Raw Log Manager, Referrer and Error Logs
  • Fantastico: Instant Shopping Carts, Blogs, Portals, Forums, Counters, Formmail
  • Password Protected Directories and Custom Error Pages
  • Web Based File Manager, Hotlink Protection, IP Deny Manager, Redirect URL
Programming and Database Features…
  • Unlimited MySQL Databases with phpMyAdmin Access
  • Programming Language: CGI, Fast CGI, PHP 5, Ruby on Rails, Perl, Python, SSI
  • Programming Modules: Curl, CPAN, GD Library, ImageMagick
  • System Management: SSH Access and Cron Job Scheduling
  • FrontPage Extensions
Email Features…
  • Unlimited POP3 Email Accounts with SMTP
  • WebMail Access: Horde, SquirrelMail, RoundCube
  • Receive your email to your phone via IMAP Support
  • Prevent spam with SpamAssassin
  • Unlimited Autoresponders, Mail Forwards, Email Aliases, Mailing Lists
Award Winning Support…
  • 24/7/365 Server Monitoring

Just contact Jackie today and your website can be up and running within days!

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